Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I think Ophrah has gone off the deepend

Oprah is on primetime! I accidentally ran a crossed her show last night. Just to irritate my husband, I left it on the Oprah show for a few minutes. I could not believe what I was hearing -- I had to continue watching it.

Last I knew Oprah claimed to be a Christian. However, last night she was practically preaching/teaching on reincarnation. Dr. Oz, a heart surgeon, was on as well. He stated that we all need to look at this "past life regression" to help us heal from depression, phobias, etc... we should be more open minded to this stuff. I really would like to know what christ she professes to follow... It's not my Jesus!

A Christian is someone who is CHRIST LIKE/FOLLOWER OF CHRIST. I have never read anywhere in the Bible about Jesus teaching on anything of the sort. As a matter of fact, I recall Christ talking about THIS life, how we should live NOW, TODAY, during THIS life time - not our next life or anything remotely close to it.

According to Hebrews 9:27 " is appointed unto men once to die...". Yes, it says APPOINTED UNTO MAN ONCE TO DIE. Not two, not three, not four or a hundred times, but ONCE.

  • side note/question, if we keep coming back in other lives doesn't that make the cross obsolete?
Oprah thinks she is so hip on things... this teaching is actually a very ancient teaching. It is also one that causes many children to starve in India, and many other places throughout this earth (they won't kill cows to feed children, the cow may a relative, reincarnated). I'm sorry, but I think Ophrah has gone off the deepend. ~I'm not sorry for my views on Oprah, I am sorry for all those she leads~

This life IS very important. Your decisions during THIS lifetime do matter.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Must read article!

This is a MUST read!

What does Barack really believe? I'm still not sure either!

What Change Will Obama Bring?

**there will be more videos in the future...