Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Live life anyway...

No matter what life hands you, you have someone greater than you fighting right along side of you. No matter how bad your life may seem, Jesus is on your side.

Job, the man of God, lost everything including all of his children. He stood in the face of adversity, stood his ground & continued to trust God. It took years of pain & suffering before he saw any hope for his future. His wife & friends doubted but Job knew the God he trusted & Job stood firm on what he knew.

I have Fibromyalgia and rarely feel good. I recently came to the realization that God wants me to live life anyway... I serve a God that is greater than Fibro & Asthma. He wants me to live life to the fullest - the fullest that I am able to live. It may mean I don't do as much or that I can't get out of bed sometimes, but I can find joy in something. I can lay in bed, look and my mess that needs cleaned & smile - I have a mess to clean. I have a husband to be irritated with. I have a small house to pile all my junk in. Some people don't have that, some people can't find joy when they are 100% healthy. I choose to live life anyway...

My prayer today is that you (who ever is reading this) live life anyway. I pray you face your fears and doubts and live life anyway. I pray you put on your climbing gear & start climbing the mountain that you see in front of you. I pray that you trust Jesus has already prepared the way, he has conquered death, He will help pull you up the mountain you face & He wants you to live life anyway...

Be blessed by the words of this song & live life...


lala said...

YOU need to visit oh sister Fibromyalgia sufferer. Dr. Cordain at the University of Colorado has put some very interesting pieces together and we are following his science.

He has linked certain foods that cause autoimmune reaction in us. If you know anyone with an autoimmune condition bring them along.